The Best Test

August 7, 2020

Would you buy a jacket without even trying it on? Probably not, but it might surprise you that one study shows about half the people buy a vehicle after a short test drive around the block or none at all. If you're in the market for another vehicle, make sure you check out the most important thi... More

Hey Waterford Drivers: How Do You Save Gas?

August 6, 2020

Higher Waterford fuel prices aren't going away any time soon. That's not good news for our wallets. A lot of Waterford drivers are trying to find ways to cut down on fuel consumption and hang on to some of their hard-earned money.North Americans drive billions of miles less during months of high ... More

When Metal Meets Metal (Wheel Bearings)

August 5, 2020

What part of your vehicle has little metal balls inside that are lubricated and allow you to cruise on down the road? They are wheel bearings, and automotive designers might argue they are human beings' second greatest invention of all time (the first is, of course, the wheel!). You have a wheel... More

Air Conditioning Maintenance at Complete Auto Center Pro in Waterford

August 4, 2020

Warm weather or cold, Waterford drivers still need to think about their vehicle's air conditioning. Most Waterford people don't service their air conditioning until after it fails. At Complete Auto Center Pro, we can advise you on your vehicle manufacturers preventive maintenance schedules for a... More